The new trailer instead focuses on the villains themselves - in particular on the vicious Black Hand. Whilst before these story trailers have focused on Talion himself, and the brutal murder of his wife and son, the 'Sauron's Servants' trailer takes an altogether different approach. Now, Monolith has unleashed a new story trailer at Gamescom 2014, Germany's annual equivalent trade show event to E3 in Los Angeles. The title is looking impressive so far and Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor easily made it in our list of top ten video games we wanted to see at Comic-Con 2014 last month. We've had gameplay trailers feeding snippets of information about dynamics such as the Nemesis system, and had the story teased alongside the announcement of veteran voice actors including Nolan North. Interactive have been pushing a steady stream of content since revealing the game in November of last year. Protagonist Talion - a Ranger brought back from the dead by supernatural forces, looking for revenge - has a background closer to The Punisher than The Hobbit. Since its announcement, developer Monolith has reiterated that Shadow of Mordor would hold a darker tone than the main series. Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordoris not just your average Lord of the Rings title.