), is the first installment of the Clash of Ninja series and the first Naruto game released in Japan and North America. Also, by pressing Back and A when Naruto, Kiba, Sasuke, Sakura, Shikamaru, Lee, or another Kakashi is about to attack Sharingan Kakashi, he can copy their attack (but this doesn't work for their real-time jutsu or Rasengan). unlocking sharingan sasuke (must have orochimaru and must have 50,000 $$$ for the cheat. towork) or u can get every character then buy him 4 100,000 $$$ but the first ways a. There is no way to use it with normal sasuke. Ive tried it so many times!! Kakashi Hatake 6.1 Special Jutsu 7. (ナルト-激闘忍者大戦!, lit.Naruto: Great Ninja Battle! Submit Content. Added on: View All Videos » More Options.
If you do not find the exact resolution you are looking for, then go for a native or higher resolution. sasuke copy Naruto Clash Of Ninja 2 Special Jutsus 0. In some games you can't do things on a character that your npc enemy can on that character.Npc is a non player character. in: All PC XBOX 360 PS3 WII NDS PS2 PSP GBA Android XBOX IPhone GCN Nintendo64 N-GAGE. Find out more about how we use your information in our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. B+B+B+B+B+B+B ***** This is a pretty decent combo.